A Stable Home Environment
Child and Family Services of Central Manitoba is currently looking for families who are interested in fostering. The Agency is looking for families who are interested short term placement with children who come into care on an emergency basis. In these situations, care for children is required 24 hours a day. The Agency is also seeking longer term homes that are interested in connecting with and caring for youth ages 12 – 17. All foster parent applicants must meet provincial guidelines and standards, complete safety checks and a positive home study assessment.
Please inquire by calling 204-857-8751 and ask for the Foster Care Supervisor or visit our website at
What It’s All About
You can play a very important role in a child’s future by becoming a foster parent and helping to provide for children when they are unable to remain in their homes. We need community members who are willing to open their hearts and their homes to these children. Foster family parents work in partnership with social workers, other professionals, and the child’s birth parents to give children the best support possible.

Foster Care Inquiry
If you are interested in becoming a Foster Parent please fill out the below inquiry form and return to our agency using the contact information below and a Foster Care Worker will contact you. Please note that you must live in CFS Central MB region to be considered a foster parent applicant for our agency. If you do not live in our region, please do not apply and apply to your nearest CFS agency in your region.
Respite Care Inquiry
If you are interested in becoming a Respite Provider please fill out the below inquiry form and return to our agency using the contact information below and a Foster Care Worker will contact you. Please note that you must live in CFS Central MB region to be considered a foster parent applicant for our agency. If you do not live in our region, please do not apply and apply to your nearest CFS agency in your region.