CFS Foundation

CFS Foundation
The Child and Family Services of Central Manitoba Foundation Inc. is a public Foundation as defined by Revenue Canada. Its objects and goals relate specifically to the best interests of children and families who reside in the Central Region of the Province of Manitoba. The Foundation was established on April 30, 1993 using private funds from the old Children’s Aid Society of Central MB. Because of its close association with Child & Family Services of Central Manitoba (previously known as the Children’s Aid Society), the Foundation has made a priority of funding many programs and services operated by the Agency. Applications are open to other organizations who meet the funding criteria of the Foundation.
With the financial base provided by the private fund, contributions from local United Ways, community funds and other generous donations, the Foundation works with the Agency to support children and families across the Central Region.
For more information on the Foundation please visit

Chance 2 Camp
Chance 2 Camp is the core program run by the agency and funded by the Foundation and a project near and dear to our heart. Summer Camperships to a maximum of $400.00 per child are awarded to children who, because of economic circumstances in their families, would not otherwise have the opportunity for a summer camp experience.
A university student coordinator for the program is hired annually in April by the Child & Family Services of Central Manitoba Agency.
Chance 2 Play
Sometimes we all need a little help. When NHLer Arron Asham was growing up, members of the community were there for him and supported his efforts on and off the ice. Arron requested the assistance of the Foundation to assist him in paying forward by helping other young people in the Central Plains Region to play hockey.
Each year Arron and his friends organize a golf tournament and other events such as a charity hockey game to raise funds in support of Arron’s Chance 2 Play Program. Through their efforts, Arron, his friends, and the Foundation have assisted many young people who otherwise would not have been able to play hockey due to the difficult economic circumstances of their families.
Chance 2 Learn
Chance 2 Learn is a program that provides financial assistance to former and current youth in care of Child & Family Services of Central Manitoba to assist with various post-secondary education expenses.
This program is not open to the general public. It is intended solely for the purpose of supporting former and current youth in care of CFSCM. Chance 2 Learn assists young people leaving care to complete their education, achieve independence and be better prepared to support their future families.
Chance 2 Grow
Chance 2 Grow funds a wide variety of recreational, social and educational opportunities for children from music lessons, art and dance classes, to gymnastics, swimming, figure skating, hockey, soccer, baseball, Cubs, Brownies, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and many other activities. This program is open to children across all of Central Region.
Through Chance 2 Grow many children whose families are experiencing financial difficulties are able to access up to $400.00 per year per child for activities. Children may choose to be involved in several different activities throughout the year.